Source code for pytest_experiments.fixtures

import pytest
from .experiment import Experiment
from .config import OUTCOMES_ATTR
from .common import PytestOutcome, PytestReportPhase

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): """Add our pytest cli options.""" group = parser.getgroup("experiments") group.addoption( "--experiments-database", action="store", dest="experiments_database_uri", default="sqlite:///experiments.db", help='Set the value for the fixture "bar".', )
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): """Add the `experiment` marker.""" config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "experiment: mark a test as an experiment" )
[docs]@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Store test reports on the test object for later inspection. Modified from: """ # execute all other hooks to obtain the report object result = yield outcomes = getattr(item, OUTCOMES_ATTR, {}) report = result.get_result() outcomes[PytestReportPhase[report.when]] = PytestOutcome[report.outcome] setattr(item, OUTCOMES_ATTR, outcomes)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def notebook(request): """A notebook for your experiments.""" exp = Experiment(request) yield exp exp.finish()